
2008 BusinessWeek/Interbrand Best Global Brands ranking
When ranking the value of the Best Global Brands, Interbrand evaluates brand value in the same way any other corporate asset is valued -- on the basis of how much it is likely to earn for the company in the future. Interbrand uses a combination of analysts’ projections, company financial documents, and its own qualitative and quantitative analysis to arrive at a net present value of those earnings. The brand values are based on data collected during the 12 months prior to June 30, 2008. This means that more recent developments, including the troubles at Merrill Lynch and AIG, are not factored into the brand valuations.

Here, get a snapshot of each of the 100 brands, including its 2008 brand value.

Data: Interbrand, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, BusinessWeek

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